Call Us:
(707) 983-6898
76700 Covelo Rd.
Covelo, California

Dining @
Hidden Oaks

Snack Bar Temporary Closure

Effective: Tuesday, November 1, 2022; until further notice

Re-Opening: Will be posted in Casino Sign, webpage: &

The staff at Hidden Oaks Cafe is committed to providing quality food at a reasonable price to the customers of the Hidden Oaks Casino and the Round Valley Community. With limited options for dining in a small town, the Hidden Oaks Cafe brings diversification and provides meals to go or caters to a sit down, family style snack shack.
Stop by for Appetizers, Burgers & Fries, Sandwiches, and More!!
Cafe Hours:
Daily: 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Cafe Accepts Visa & Mastercard!


Hidden Oaks Casino
76700 Covelo Rd.
Covelo, California